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Fiction in Print


Chautauqua: "Rainboots" - 2021 (no. 18)


The Chattahooche Review: "Watermelon Trick" - Fall 2018/Winter2019 (Vol. XXXVIII, Nos. 2 and 3)

Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: "Alphabetical Order" - May/June 2017

The Louisville Review: "Visiting Hours" - Fall, 2006 (No. 60)


GSU Review: "Multiple Choice" - Fall/Winter 2006


Rosebud: "Storm Damage" - Spring 2007 (No. 38)


Lilith: "Sound Effects" - Spring 2007


The MacGuffin: "Nota Bene" - Fall, 2007 (Vol. XXIV, No. 1)


The Dos Passos Review: "At the Gate" - December 2007 (Vol. 4, No. 2)


Denver Quarterly: "Lot's Wife" - 2009 (Vol. 44, No. 1)


Descant: "Laugh Lines" - 2009 (Vol. 48)


Nimrod International Journal: "Souvenir" - Spring/ Summer 2010 (Vol. 53, No. 2)


Inkwell: "Sermon" - Spring 2011 (No. 29)


Hayden's Ferry Review: "And Counting" - Spring/ Summer 2011 (No. 48)


The Los Angeles Review: "Little Red Ink" - Spring 2011 (Vol. 9)


Harpur Palate: "Ah, No Choo" - Summer/ Fall 2012 (Vol. 12, No. 1))


Arts and Letters: "Alterations" - Fall 2015 (Issue 31)



Anthologies in Print & Online

Frankly Feminist: "Sound Effects" (forthcoming Lilith Print Anthology, 2022)

Roanoke Review: "Third Girl from the Left" (50th Anniversary Anthology, 2022)

Fiction Online

Another Chicago - "Wine for Breakfast" (2020)


The Adirondack Review - "Skip and Harold"  (Fulton Prize finalist)

Literal Latte - "Condolences" (2017 Short Short Winner)

Literal Latte - "Nine Diets" (2017 Short Short Winner)


Phoebe - "Take Something Ugly


The Potomac Journal - "French Lesson


New Delta Review - "Seuss Goose


Alimentum - "Conch Salad


Shenandoah - "Order"



Poetry In Print

Dogwood: "Old Coat" - Spring, 2006 (Vol. 6)


Roanoke Review: "Rapunzel, Rapunzel" - Spring 2006 (Vo. xxxi)

Selected for the retrospective 50th anniversary issue


Pearl: "Hood Ornament" - Spring/Summer 2007 (No. 37)


Margie: "Enough is not Enough" - Fall 2006 (Vol. 5)


Atlanta Review: "Apostrophe," "Understanding History" - Fall/Winter 2006 (Vol. xiii, No. 1)


Connecticut Review: "Survivor," "Coral Road" - Spring 2008 (Vol. xxx, No. 1)


Rhino: "Checkout" - 2008



Louisville Repertory Company, Short Play Contest: "Waiters" - Produced [insert]



Poetry Editor

Women, Period: Spinsters Ink. - 2008




In Collections:

- Hudson Prize, Black Lawrence Press: 2020 finalist

- St. Lawrence Prize, Black Lawrence Press: 2021 finalist

- Eludia Prize, HIdden River Arts: 2021  semi-finalist

- Hudson Prize, Black Lawrence Press: 2022 semi-finalist

- Non/Fiction Collection, Mad Creek Books (OSU): 2022  finalist

- Dzanc Books Contest, Honorable Mention: 2010

- Flannery O'Connor Award, Finalist: 2012

- St. Lawrence Book Prize, Finalist: 2016 & 2017

- Autumn House, Finalist: 2018

- Press 53, Finalist: 2018

In Poetry:

- Rosenberg Poetry Prize, Honorable Mention: "Only the Vowels Moan" - 2005

- InKY: Invited reader at inaugural reading


In Short Stories:

- Literal Latte Short Short Prize, Winner: "Condolences" and "Nine Diets" - 2017

- Inkwell Prize, Finalist: "Visiting Hours" - 2006

- The Adirondack Review, Fulton Prize, Finalist: "Skip and Harold" - Fall 2008

- Arts and Letters, Prize in Fiction: "Alterations" - 2015




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